Boat rally in Karnaphuli River to aware against occupy & pollution held

Chattogram Bureau :
On the occasion of Mujib Borsha, birth centenary of the Father of the Nation , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , a long Sampan (native Boat) rally was arranged in the Karnaphuli river yesterday morning by the Mohanagar Awami League unit aimed at to make public awareness against the illegal occupy of river land and pollution of the river.
The participants in the rally told that it is prime responsibilities of the Chattogram Port Authority to save the river channel of 16 kilometers from the estuary of Halda to Port entry point . They said port city as their own wish leasing out port’s land to private beneficiaries but remained abstained from regular dredging and evictions of illegal possession. They said it is our only demand to keep the river pollution free and occupy free .
They also mentioned Bangabandhu always admires the rivers and Boat in his life. President of city AL Mahtabuddin Chowdhury formally inaugurated the boat race at 10.30 am yesterday from Abhoymitra Ghat. AL President said Bangabandhu always loves Boat and Boatman and on the occasion of celebrating the birth centenary of Bangabandhu, the demands of the boatmen (Maji) should be fulfilled. He also urges the port authority to save the river from any sorts of occupation illegally. Former Mayor AJM Nasiruddin was the principal speaker in it.
He said there is no alternative port in the country like economic driving force. So we should look after the betterment of the river and save the channel from pollution otherwise navigability of the channel will be ruined gradually. Youth and sports Secretary of city AL and sports organizer Ln Didarul Alam Chowdhury presided over it. A mong others, General Secretary of Chattogram Press Club Chowdhury Farid, Secretary of Chattogram Reporters Forum and Chairman of Chattogram History Cultural Reseasrch Centre Waliur Rahman, Karnaphuli researcher Prof. Dr. Edrish Ali, , President of Karnaphuli River Sampan Majdi Kaylan Samity Federation SM Pyar Ali, senior vice president Jafar Ahmed, general secretary Shah Alam, Ishanagar Banglabazar Sampan Maji Kaylan Samiti President Md. Lokman Dayal, General Secretry Md. Yousuf, finance secretary Jasimuddin, Abul Hossain, Sadarghat Sampan Majdi Kaylan Samity general secretary Mijanur Rahman, Farid Hossain and leaders of local AL and its front organizations were present on the occasion.
The boat rally goes round Karnaphuli Bridge and terminated at Abhoymitra ghat . About two hundred sampans participated the rally.