BOA expects good results in Commonwealth Games


Bangladesh Olympic Association (BOA) expects to have good results in the 20th Commonwealth Games, which is scheduled to take place in Glasgow, Scotland from July 23 to August 4.
“We are sending athletes to compete in ten disciplines of sports in which four disciplines-shooting, gymnastic, weightlifting and boxing-have good prospect to achieve medals in the games and there are great scopes for the remaining six disciplines athletes to take experience and prepare themselves for the SA Games to be held next year.” said BOA secretary general Syed Shahed Reza at a press conference on Thursday at the BOA Auditorium.
He said the BOA, for the first time in its history, came forward with adequate financial support for the participating federations to smoothly run the training camp. Shooting weightlifting and boxing federations started their intensive training camp for the game since January 10.
The BOA secretary general said even each of the athlete’s family has been given Taka 15,000 during the camp to keep them financially solvent.
“We are really expecting a good performance from the athletes and hope they would be able to bring honor for the nations,” he added.
The 50-member Bangladesh contingent comprised of 30 athletes, 11 trainers and 9 officials. The other government high- ups will also join the contingent as observer. BOA vice president Harun- Ur-Rashid has been named as chef de mission of Bangladesh contingent.
Chef de mission Harun-Ur-Rashid said the participating teams will leave for Glasgow in phases. Shooting team which comprised of eight athletes and two officials is the first one to leave for Glasgow in July 14 while weightlifting and cycling teams are expected to fly on July 19.
Swimming, boxing, table tennis and badminton teams will leave on July 20 while wrestling and athletics will depart on July 24. Famed gymnast Saifk Sirak, who lives in the USA will directly join the game on July 23.
BOA deputy general secretary Ashikur Rahman Miku and officials of the participating federations were present on the occasion.
