BNP’s rally demanding Khaleda’s release Saturday

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, “They will bring out the procession from their Nayapaltan central office at 2pm on Saturday and it will end at the Jatiya Press Club.”
He told it to the reporters at the party’s Nayapaltan central office after a joint meeting of BNP and its associate bodies.
As part of the party’s countrywide demonstration programme, BNP will take out a procession in the capital on Saturday.
Asked whether they got permission from police for their planned procession, Fakhrul said,
“No permission is needed for holding such a programme. We’ll only inform them about the programme.”
He asked the people to make their programme a success with their spontaneous participation.”
“We urge people to take part in the procession to register their protest in a peaceful manner, and thus accelerate the process of our leaders’ Khaleda Zia’s release from jail,” Fakhrul added.
