Rampal power plant: BNP’s progs depend on govt attitude

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Thursday said their party will decide whether it will announce any action programme against Rampal power plant after assessing the government’s attitude and responding to their demand for scrapping it.
He also said, their party has the support to the movements by different left political parties and environmental organisations against the proposed power plant near the Sundarbans. The BNP secretary general came up with the remarks while talking to reporters after placing wreaths at party founder Ziaur Rahman’s grave together with leaders and activists of Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal marking its founding anniversary.
Earlier on Wednesday, BNP chair person Khaleda Zia at a press conference termed the proposed Rampal coal-fired power plant project ‘anti-people, illogical’ and ‘unprofitable’ one, and urged the government to take steps for scraping it. She also
urged people to raise their voice against the move to implement the project near the world’s largest mangrove forest Sundarbans. “BNP is observing how the government responds to our chairperson’s demand. It depends on the government’s attitude whether we’ll take to the streets over the issue,” Fakhrul said.
Refuting the ruling party’s allegation that BNP is talking about Rampal power plant to create a new issue, Fakhrul said BNP does politics with its own ideology and values. “It matters little who says what. BNP needs not to create any new issue as Awami League has already made so many issues.”
He claimed their chairperson has been on a movement in favour of people to protect the national interests and ‘restore’ democracy. “It’s our duty to protect the Sundarbans for the nation’s survival.
We need power and power plants, but not by destroying the Sundarbans. We’ve alternative many ways and places where the power plant can be set up. But, we don’t have any alternative to the Sundarbans.