BNP’s May Day rally in city today

UNB, Dhaka :
Having failed to get permission for a workers’ rally at Suhrawardy Udyan, BNP’s labour wing Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal has decided to bring out a rally in the city today Tuesday, marking the May Day.
Sramik Dal general secretary Nurul Islam Khan came up with the
announcement at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office on Monday.
He said, they earlier sought permission from the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) through a letter for holding a meeting at Suhrawardy Udyan over the International Workers’ Day on Tuesday. “They still didn’t respond to it.”
Under the circumstances, Khan said, “We’ve decided to take out a workers’ rally from in front of our Nayapaltan central office at 11am on the May Day.”
He said, they have already informed the DMP authorities about bringing out the rally.
Speaking at the programme, BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said it is regrettable that the government did not allow the Sramik Dal to hold the meeting at Suhrawardy Udyan on the International Workers’ Day. “They didn’t give the permission as the word Jatiyatabadi is tagged with Sramik Dal.”
He said, Awami League does not allow its opponents to hold any public rally as it fears people and their gatherings. “It’s an anti-people and anti-workers government.”