BNP’s demo in city today


UNB, Dhaka :BNP will stage demonstrations in the city on Saturday protesting the denial of permission for holding the party’s scheduled rally at Jatrabari. BNP standing committee member Tariqul Islam announced the programme at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office.”The government didn’t give permission for our rally as it fears the opposition. In protests against it, we’ll stage demonstrations in all thanas of the city to express our hatred and indignation,” he said.Having denied permission for staging a rally in Narayanganj during BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s visit to the district, the party announced to hold a rally at Concord Housing ground at Matuail in the city’s Jatrabari area on Saturday in protest against the countrywide growing incidents of killing, abduction, and forced disappearance and Narayanganj seven murders.BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia was scheduled to address the rally as the chief guest, while the party took all-out preparations for staging a showdown of around 10 lakh people through the rally.Tariqul, also the coordinator of the rally, said though they changed their rally venue thrice to have the permission for it, the government finally did not allow them to hold the programme. “We condemned the government decision.”Referring to India’s national election results, he said the people of India have overthrown Congers through their nation election. “People in Bangladesh will also oust Awami League if a free and fair election is held like the one in Indian. People will someday give their befitting reply to the current regime for its arrogance and grabbing of state power by force.”Tariqul alleged that Natore Jubo Dal leader Ziauddin Sentu’s body was found on Friday at Hatirjheel in the city after plainclothes law enforcers had picked him up on Thursday.
