BNP’s 2-day programme marking Zia’s death anniv


BNP on Sunday announced a two-day programme to observe the 40th death anniversary of its founder and former president Ziaur Rahman.
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the programmes at a press conference at BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office.
He said the programmes will be held maintaining social- distancing rules amid the coronavirus prevalence.
Ziaur Rahman, who founded the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in 1978, was assassinated by a group of army officers at Chittagong Circuit House on May 30, 1981.
As part of the programmes, Fakhrul said black flags will be hoisted while the party flag be kept at half-mast atop its offices, including its Nayapaltan headquarters, at 6am on May 30.
Besides, party standing committee members will place wreaths at Zia’s grave at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar at 11am by maintaining social distance.
The party will arrange an online discussion meeting on May 29 in memory of Zia on the occasion.
BNP and its associate bodies will arrange different programmes, including virtual discussions, on Zia’s activities, as part of the death anniversary programmes.
The party’s city, district, upazila and municipality units will also arrange doa mahfil on the occasion seeking the eternal peace of Zia’s departed soul.
BNP leaders will also distribute relief materials and clothes among the destitute at different parts of the city on the day to be arranged by Dhaka North and South units of BNP.
