BNP won’t seek permission for future rally

Demand for release of Khaleda: Fakhrul

BNP holds a rally in front of party's central office at Naya Paltan in Dhaka on Sunday, demanding release of the Party's Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia. Party Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and other senior leaders seen on dais (inset) at
BNP holds a rally in front of party's central office at Naya Paltan in Dhaka on Sunday, demanding release of the Party's Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia. Party Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and other senior leaders seen on dais (inset) at
Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has claimed that carrying out any sort of democratic activity should not require permission.
He asking, why do we need to take permission for conducting any kind of activity? This should be our fundamental right, next time we never ask permission to rally.
He said it in a protest rally demanding the unconditional release of Khaleda Zia in front of the BNP central office at Nayapaltan on Sunday.
He further said, “Can not I stand on the footpath and hoist any programme? This should be a
fundamental right. Does that mean we will need permission to conduct a press release too?
“Though it says in our constitution that people hold the power in a democracy, in reality, Awami League and its law enforcement holds all the power,” said Fakhrul.
BNP Secretary General said, only way to free their Chairperson Khaleda Zia is mass uprising as the government is influencing the court.
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir attended the rally as chief guest.
He said, “From now on, we have only one goal, and that is to free khaleda Zia from jail through a mass uprising.”
BNP Standing Committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed said, a socioeconomic situation like that of 1974 has been prevailing in the country.
“The people of Bangladesh are angry over the onion crisis. A government which is unable to ensure the supply of an essential item like onion has no moral right to be there in power,” he said.
Moudud said a problem over salt has been created after that of onion while rice prices kept rising inflicting sufferings on people.
“The government to quit immediately for its failure to deliver on all fronts or step down,” he added.
BNP Standing Committee members Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Mirza Abbas, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, Selima Rahman and others were spoke at the meeting.