‘BNP waking up through overhaul’


BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday said the government has become terrified as their party is waking up with a fresh vigour thorough overhauling its all units.
“Police are now raiding the houses of our leaders and activists and harassing and attacking them as BNP is waking up,” he said while addressing a programme of BNP’s Dhaka South unit at the Jatiya Press Club.
The BNP leader said their party has been
revamped with new committees under the supervision of their acting chairman Tarique Rahman, generating a new wave and fresh vigour in the party. “That’s why they (govt) have got frightened and unnerved, and they’re now attacking the BNP.”
Fakhrul warned that no dictator and fascist ruler has ever survived in the world as all were defeated by the fury of the people.
“You (govt) please read the writings on the walls and understand people’s feelings and their eye language. There’s still time for you to resign immediately if you want to avoid the consequences of the crimes you committed by violating the constitution, depriving people of their right to vote and stealing votes the night before the voting,” he said.
The BNP leader urged the government to take steps so that people can elect their representatives through a credible national election under a non-party neutral administration.
“This’s the high time to put up a resistance against the government and clearly tell it that we do not want to see you in power anymore,” he said, pointing a finger at BNP leaders and activists.
Fakhrul said the government first brought changes in the constitution as per its wish to establish one-party rule. “They then brought the judiciary, administration and law enforcement agencies under their control through politicisation. They’re now trying to regulate our media.”
He said the cult of one person was there in the country when one-party Baksal rule was established in 1975.
“Now again the cult of one person has begun in the country. If you look at Tuesday’s newspapers, you’ll get an idea how the media are being controlled.”
The BNP leader said people liberated the country in 1971 to establish a democratic state. “But the current government has turned Bangladesh into a dysfunctional country by destroying the democratic institutions and all the achievements of the nation.”
Later, Fakhrul inaugurated Dhaka South unit BNP’s Covid and Dengue help centre at the programme.
