'Election-time govt': BNP urges govt to take steps for dialogue

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Saturday urged to the government to take initiatives for a dialogue to form ‘election-time government’ as the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said to be formed on her address to the nation on Friday.
“There is no clear provision in the national Constitution about ‘election-time’ government. But the Prime Minister said it will be formed under the provision of the Constitution. It disappointed the people,” BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said it in a press conference in party chairperson’s Gulshan office to give formal reaction to prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s address to the nation marking completion of four years in the office of the incumbent government.
The BNP urging the prime minister to take initiative for dialogue with all opposition parties about the poll-time government.
“We are urging the prime minister to take initiative for holding an acceptable
election under a poll-time neutral government discussing with all opposition parties,” Mirza Fakhrul said.
He said if the prime minister sincerely thought about something new about poll-time government, she should take initiative for dialogue with all stakeholders over it.
Mirza Fakhrul also claimed that there is no clear roadmap in the prime minister’s speech before the nation to remove the national crisis over the next polls.
Replying to a query, BNP Secretary General said that it will be put before the journalists in time that what is the roadmap of BNP on ‘polls-time government’.
He also criticised PM’s remarks on developments under the current regime.
“Pakistani Field Marshal Ayub Khan had celebrated a ‘development decade’ on his rule with huge arrangements. But he had compelled to step down from power in face of acute uprising,” Mirza Fakhrul said.
He said that the incumbent regime also started ‘development fair’ following the Pakistani rulers to cling in power.
The BNP leader also claimed that the country has fallen in to a serious financial crisis for the misrules of the government.
BNP Standing Committee Members Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan and Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury were present.