BNP unlikely to sever ties with Jamaat


Apparently giving a hint at not leaving Jamaat as per Gono Forum’s desire, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday advocated for strengthening the unity between Jatiya Oikyafront and the 20-Party further to defeat the current regime.
“I would like to say it clearly that there’s no alternative to unity, no matter who thinks what…BNP has created a bridge between the Jatiya Oikyafront and the 20-Party for the cause of a historical necessity. It’s still necessary to maintain, and we think now a greater unity is essential,” he said.
Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader further said, “We don’t accept the (December 30) election. As political parties, now it’s our duty to consciously cement the national unity, and remain alert so that frustration doesn’t grow among us.”
Jatiya Party (Zafar) arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club in memory of its acting chairman TIM Fazle Rabbi who died on December 27 last.
On January 12, Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain said it was a mistake of his party to join the recent 11th parliamentary election with Jamaat-e-Islami under the banner of Jatiya Oikyafront.
At a press conference at Gono Forum’s Arambagh central office, he also said they would mount pressure on BNP to drop Jamaat from its 20-party alliance to keep the Oikyafront intact and make it stronger.
Without mentioning any party’s name, Fakhrul warned that if any party thinks it will be possible to get a democratic victory fighting against a dangerous monster with lone efforts, it is not the right perception. ‘We must achieve the victory through people’s unity. This is the reality.”
He also said many questions can be raised about various political decisions and it is usual in politics. “But, we’ll asses our initiatives and find out our right and wrong actions at the right forums. We hope these issues will be discussed properly at those forums.”
The BNP leader urged the young generation to get organised and united to move ahead with patriotism instead of getting frustrated. “Don’t think nothing will happen. Something will surely happen. The sun of a democratic Bangladesh must rise.”
Fakhrul said the people of the country and the international community have already turned down the 11th parliamentary election. “The country’s people witnessed a cruel mockery in the name of election. People’s rights were snatched through it.”
He said a big damage has been done to Awami League through the election as the party has now become the opponent of people for depriving them of their voting rights. “Even, Awami League supporters are bemoaning that they couldn’t cast their votes,”
The BNP secretary general said it is Awami League’s inherent nature is to think that they are the owners of the country and people are their subjects. “That’s why this party never recognised people’s rights.”
