BNP turns down PM’s allegation against Khaleda

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Friday dismissed the Prime Minister’s remark that its chairperson Khaleda Zia is ‘conspiring’ from abroad, saying it’s a cooked-up and absurd allegation.
The party also urged the government to refrain from carrying out ‘false propaganda’ against its chief.
“The Awami League president for the last few days has been accusing Khaleda Zia of hatching conspiracy from abroad…we think such absurd allegation from the head of the government is devoid of political etiquette,” said BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon.
Speaking at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he further said, “Our chairperson is there in London for medical treatment. Think how unkind the government can be as it is brining false and fabricated allegations against the leader of the country’s main opposition party while she is undergoing treatment.”
Ripon said, their party has no link to politics of arson and violence as it does politics in a democratic manner.
He alleged that the ruling party men carried out patrol bomb and arson attacks during their movement early this year and they were also arrested from different parts of the country. “Various newspapers and web portals also published news on it…But the government with an ill-motive has been carrying out propaganda against BNP involving those incidents.”
The BNP spokesman protested the Prime Minister’s remark that the BNP-led government did not take any initiative for enclave swap, saying the PM’s comment is travesty of truth.
Ripon claimed that their party founder Ziaur Rahman-led government and the subsequent BNP governments, led by their current chairperson, had repeatedly called upon India to implement the Land Boundary Agreement and resolve the outstanding bilateral problems between the two countries.