Khaleda's bail stay: BNP to stage nationwide rallies Thursday


UNB, Dhaka :
BNP leaders and activists will stage rallies across the country, including in the capital, on Thursday protesting the Supreme Court order upholding its stay on bail granted by the High Court to Khaleda Zia in a murder case filed in Cumilla.
They will also observe a token hunger strike on July 9 all over the country, including Dhaka, demanding Khaleda’s release from jail and her better medical treatment. Party secretary general
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the programmes at a press conference at BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office.
Earlier in the day, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court upheld its previous order staying the High Court order that had granted bail to BNP Chairperson Khaleda in a murder case filed over the arson attack in Cumilla on Feb 3, 2015. Opposing the apex court order, Fakhrul said, “The Appellate Division’s order has stunned us and the entire nation. The government is trying to prolong our ladder’s stay in jail by completely regulating the judiciary. We strongly condemn and express our hatred towards the government’s such efforts. “
