Zia's Award removal: BNP to stage demo tomorrow

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Thursday announced two days demonstration programme in protest against the removal of late President Ziaur Rahman’s Swadhinata Padak (Independence Award) from the National Museum.
According to the agenda, the BNP will demonstrate its resentment in Dhaka city on Friday and rest of the country on Saturday. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the programme in a press briefing at the party’s Naya Paltan office in the city.
He said, the party will hold demonstration in the National Press Club in the city at about 3:00 pm today to condemn the heinous move. The party will show its displeasure in all the district headquarters and the metropolitan cities except Dhaka on Saturday, he added.
The government on Wednesday removed the Swadhinata Padak conferred on the late President of the Republic by the BNP government in 2003.
Ziaur Rahman was a Sector Commander and led the Z Force during the War of Independence in 1971. The Swadhinata Padak is one of the highest State Awards.
BNP Standing Committee members Mirza Abbas, Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, Vice-Chairman Abdul Awal Mintu and Assistant Organising Secretary Abdus Salam Azad, among others, were present in the press briefing.