Reshuffle also in front bodies: BNP to evaluate reformists, plans to include more men

Ehsanul Haque Jasim :
With the plan of major reshuffle in the standing committee and the central executive committee, the BNP is also planning to make major reshuffle in the party’s front and associate bodies through its sixth national council.
Sources said, the BNP is planning to include more members in the executive committee and other committees to ‘evaluate party’s dedicated, tested and reformist leaders’. It plans to double the size of the central committee, amending the party’s constitution in the council. The BNP announced to hold its overdue national council on March 19.
Party insiders said, BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia wants to evaluate party’s reformist leaders, who were against her during the 1/11, alongside with the dedicated leaders to build a strong foundation for a tougher anti-government movement. For the purpose, she also wants to include more
members in the central committee.  
BNP joint-secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed on Tuesday told The New Nation that the high command of the party won’t do injustice to the party leaders. The qualified leaders will be included in the next committees.
Sources said, number of the standing committee members may be increased to 21 from current 19, while the number of advisory council members, vice chairmen and members of the executive committee will also be increased. Senior BNP leaders said that the fresh executive committee would be formed with young, active, dedicated and competent leaders through the council.
The party leaders said that the party’s high command would like to give priority for changing in the standing committee, the party’s highest policymaking body, in order to be better prepared for its next course of action. Many new faces are expected to be included in the committee. Some vice chairmen and Chairperson’s advisers are likely to be made standing committee members while some existing members of body may be dropped.
Three posts of the 19-member standing committee remain vacant following the death of Khandaker Delwar Hossain, Dr RA Gani and execution of Salauddin Quader Chowdhury. Besides. Shamsul Islam and Sarwari Rahman have fallen sick while Barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah has become inactive.
Under the circumstance, acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, BNP vice chairmen Abdullah Al Noman, Sadeque Hossain Khoka, Shah Moazzem Hossain, Hafizuddin Ahmed, Selima Rahman, Chairperson’s advisers Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury and Dr Osman Farroque may be included in the standing committee.
Current acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul might become party’s full-fledged secretary general. However, a group of leaders are trying to convince the party chief to appoint a more senior leader to the coveted post.
As part of the party reorganizational process, the BNP is also planning to announce the new committees of some front organisations like Juba Dal, Krishak Dal and Sechchhasebok Dal.
Meanwhile, Khaleda Zia is going to sit with her party standing committee members today (Wednesday) at 8:30 pm at her Gulshan office to discuss the party’s council and the latest political situation.
Over a dozen sub-committees were formed to make the national council a success. The works of the council preparatory committee and other sub-committees will be discussed in today’s meeting, sources said.
BNP standing committee member Lt General (retd) Mahbubur Rahman said that the standing committee meeting has no fixed agenda but different issues, including the national council and its venue may come up for discussion.