BNP terms EC govt puppet

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Abdullah Al Noman on Friday alleged that the ruling party men got a freehand to violate the
election code of conduct in the municipal polls as the Election Commission has become a ‘government puppet’.
“A so-called municipal election is going to be held in the country. We’re regularly coming up with the allegations of polls violation
by the ruling party men. But, the EC is reluctant about that as it’s become a puppet of the government,” he said.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “We can surely say the municipal election won’t be free and fair and people’s verdict won’t be reflected through it. The EC is going to hold another farcical election as they did in Janyray-5, 2014.”
BNP arranged the programme at the institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, marking the 45th Victory Day.
Noman said, the victory of their party’s 80 percent of mayoral candidates is certain if the election is held fairly. “Only vote fraud can defeat our candidates.” He termed the current government an ‘authoritarian’ one and said it is running the country usurping power and snatching people’s basic rights.
The BNP leader reminded the government that no autocratic regime in the past could hang onto power against people’s will. “This regime will also fail to perpetuate power.”