BNP team signs condolence book over Saudi King’s death

UNB, Dhaka :
A five-member high-profile BNP delegation on Monday signed a condolence book opened at Saudi Embassy, expressing profound shock on behalf of the party over the death of Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
BNP standing committee members Moudud Ahmed, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, and Nazrul Islam Khan, BNP vice chairman Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf and party chairperson’s adviser Sabihuddin Ahmed, on behalf of party chairperson Khaleda Zia went to the Embassy around noon and signed the condolence book.
Earlier on Friday, Khaleda Zia expressed deep
shock at the Saudi King’ s death, saying, “Bangladesh has lost its genuine and close friend at the death of Abdullah.”
Saudi King Abdullah died on Friday at the age of 90.