BNP still doing negative politics: Quader

Staff Reporter :
General Secretary of Awami League Obaidul Quader on Friday said, BNP is still now hovering in the negative political horizon and that is why it took decision not to join the Gonobhaban tea party at the invitation of the Prime Minister.
Obaidul Quader, who is Roads and Bridges Minister as well, said this in a press conference at Awami League President’s Dhanmondi office.
“Although this is an invitation, the leaders of Jatiya Oikyafront could openly discuss various political issues in the programme at Gonobhaban on Saturday,” Quader said.
The minister said, “Many things can be discussed while taking tea, as do the politicians usually. So, BNP’s representatives can talk to the prime minister at the tea party. They can openly tell her if they have anything to say.”
He further said, “But BNP’s decision not to respond to the Prime Minister’s invitation has manifested the party’s continuation to the old negative political attitude. It’s not good for democracy and BNP’s existence. BNP is now on the edge of a ditch and they’ll fall into ditch anytime.”
The Okiyafront leaders on Thursday termed the invitation as mockery and decided not to join in the tea party.
On Friday, Oikyafront sent a letter to Ganobhaban explaining the reason behind its decision not to join the tea party.
Obaidul Quader said BNP and Oikyafront MPs-elect should join the Parliament to play a strong role both in the Parliament and its outside.