It's EC's duty to create level playing field: BNP spends money to make election controversial: Quader


Staff Reporter :
General Secretary of Awami League Obaidul Quader on Saturday said, the BNP is spending money to make the coming 11th National Election controversial.
Obaidul Quader said it in response to the reporters’ question at the end of a election programme held in a city hotel yesterday.
He said, “We are discussing with many countries about the overall election processing. One or two countries may defer with our preparation. It is their matter.”
About the level playing field, he said, “The creation of a level playing field depends entirely on the
Election Commission. There is nothing with the government. The EC has this authority since its announcement of the election schedule.”
He also questioned whether the BNP really wanted to take part in the election in response to the Oikya Front’s threats to withdraw if acceptable election environment was not created
“After what they did in Paltan, can they demand for a fair environment? There is no sense of that in their behaviour.”
“Their attack on police took place in broad daylight. They caused mayhem during the collection of nomination forms. This leaves us skeptical about their actual desire to compete in the elections.”
The media has reported that various countries have expressed their scepticism about the fairness of the upcoming Parliamentary election during a meeting between diplomats and Jatiya Oikyafront.
“One or two countries may raise some questions about the election after speaking with many of them. This could also be the result of lobbying as the BNP is spending a lot of money on it.”
Quader also commented on the silence of Jatiyo Oikyafront leaders as to who would be the prime minister in case of victory.
“I raised the question, but I am yet to receive an answer.”
