BNP slams PM for ‘seeking votes from flood victims’


BNP on Sunday criticised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for what it said seeking votes from flood victims for her party while distributing relief materials in Gaibandha and Bogra on Saturday.
“Though late, Prime Minister went to distribute relief materials and sought votes for boat. Flood-hit people are not getting support, but the Prime Minister is busy seeking votes for Awami League,” said BNP vice chairman Abdullah Al Noman.
Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he also said when the government should come up with adequate relief materials for the flood victims, the Prime Minister on Saturday held a rally in the flood-affected area and sought vote there.
“When the Prime Minister should unite the entire nation to engage in relief activities for the affected humanity, she is seeking vote. This is unfortunate for the nation,” the BNP leader observed.
Noman, also the BNP’s central relief committee’s chief coordinator, said their chairperson Khaleda Zia did not do politics while carrying out relief activities in the past.
On Saturday, Sheikh Hasina distributed relief materials among the flood-affected people in Gaibandha and Bogra.
Noman said, their party has distributed relief in the 27 flood-affected districts, including those in the northern region.
He said, people in the flood-hit areas told their party men that the government and Awami League did not stand beside them with adequate relief materials.
The BNP leader said people also accused the ruling party men of distributing relief materials among only their party men depriving common people.
Following the directives of their party chief Khaleda Zia and senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman, Noman said their party leaders and activists have been distributing relief in the disaster affected areas. “Our relief efforts will continue. We’re with people though we’re not in power.”
He said their party will start providing the flood-affected farmers with agri-inputs, seeds and healthcare support from Monday. The BNP leader also placed a seven-point recommendation for the government to rehabilitate the flood victims. The recommendations include giving the victims interest-free loan, building homes for them immediately, proving them with medicine, free cattle feed, seeds and agri-inputs, ensuring food for them through VGF and repairing the damaged roads and educational institutions.
