BNP slams Asad`s `unguarded` remarks over Jihad tragedy


Deploring the recovery of four-year-old boy Jihad’s body from a deep pipe in the city after long 23 hours at a private initiative, BNP alleged that the entire nation has got aggrieved and upset with State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal for his Friday night’s comment that there was no one in the pipe.”We want to let you know with a heavy heart that the body of four-year-old boy Ziaur Rahman Jihad who slipped into the deep pipe of an abandoned railway pump at Shahjahanpur Railway Colony was retrieved at local people’s initiative after long 23 hours,” said BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.Addressing a press conference at BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office, he on behalf of the BNP-led 10-party alliance expressed deep shock at the minor boy’s tragic death.He also conveyed deep sympathy to Jihad’s parents and relatives.Fakhrul said they observed with anger that when the entire nation was anxiously watching the rescue operation and praying to the Almighty Allah so that the boy could be rescued alive, the state minister for home of the current regime on Friday midnight shrugged off the incident terming it a just rumour.The other agencies concerned involved in the rescue operation also claimed they did not get any trace of human being in the pipe. “The limitless irresponsible remark of a responsible minister has made the entire nation aggrieved and disappointed,” Fakhrul said.He condemned the minister’s ‘unguarded’ remark.Private rescuers retrieved Jihad’s body shortly after Fire Service postponed its rescue operation having failed to trace the boy in the pipe with a sophisticated camera.Local people and some mechanics created an iron-made catcher and pulled out Jihad’s body from the bottom of the pipe with it.Jihad, son of Nasir Uddin of the railway colony, suddenly slipped into the deep pipe around 4:30 pm on Friday while playing near the abandoned pump house.
