BNP slams 2 Ministers for ‘harsh’ remarks about CJ

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Sunday termed ‘extremely audacious and political hooliganism’ the two ministers’ comments about Chief Justice SK Sinha saying that it is a naked interference in the judiciary by the ruling party.
“The way Food Minister Qamrul Islam and Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque asked the Chief Justice to quit it’s a naked interference in the Judiciary. Their comments have once again proved
that the one-party Baksal of 75 has been revived with its all aggressive manners,” said BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he also said the two ministers’ comments are tantamount to contempt of court. “Their remarks demonstrated Feni’s Hazari culture.” On Saturday, the two ministers at a roundtable discussion organised by Ekatorrer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee criticised the Chief Justice for his reported remarks that “the prosecution is doing politics with the trial of condemned war criminal and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mir Quasem Ali.”
Earlier, during the hearing of arguments on Mir Quasem Ali’s death row review petition on February 23, the Chief Justice purportedly expressed dissatisfaction over the activities of the prosecution and the investigation agency.
Strongly condemning and protesting the ministers’ comments, Rizvi alleged that having failed to establish its full control over the judiciary the ruling party ministers are resorting to threat and intimidation.
The BNP leader said, the ‘current regime which has no mandate’ is trying to run the country’s all institutions and organs as per its will. “They (govt) are out to remove the independent identity of the state organs like the legislative, the executive and the judiciary to give those Awami colour.”
“The current illegal regime has crossed its limit on the way of its march towards one-party rule through the two ministers’ remarks about the Chief Justice. Rizvi also denounced the baton charge by police on ticket seekers for enjoying the Asia Cup 2016 final match between Bangladesh and India at Mirpur.
At least 15 people were injured as cricket ticket-seekers locked in a clash with police in Mirpur on Saturday. The clash broke out in front of United Commercial Bank Ltd over a rumour that all tickets for the exciting Asia Cup final were sold out.