BNP renews call for early polls

UNB, Dhaka :
Opposing the Prime Minister’s remark that there is no chance of holding any national election in the country before 2019, BNP on Saturday renewed its demand for holding a fresh election immediately dissolving the current parliament.
“The chief of the ruling party commented abroad that no election will be held before 2019. The Prime Minister’s such remark made the ruling party men more desperate. People have now become worried as the ruling party men unabatedly indulging in acts of terror,” said BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon.
“We would like to call upon the government to dissolve the current parliament paving the path for installing a government having people’ s mandate by holding an election under a non-party administration,” the BNP leader added. Ripon made the demand at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.
Earlier at a press conference at Bangladesh permanent mission at the UN in New York on Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said
there is no chance of holding any national election in the country before 2019. “Supporters of militancy and terrorism who don’t want to see Bangladesh’s progress and development may seek a general election ahead of schedule. The next elections would be held as per the schedule and according to the constitution. No one should be worried about it.”
Ripon alleged that the government is obstructing to the opposition’s organisational activities to cement its authoritarian rule.
“We’re noticing with concern that the government is using law enforcers to create obstacles to our party overhauling activities alongside letting loose ruling party cadres in different areas of the country to attack our council programmes,” he observed.
The BNP spokesman alleged that ruling party men attacked BNP’s a union unit’s council at former MP ABM Ashrafuddin Nizan’s house in Laxmipur, leaving five people injured. “We condemn the attack.”
Ripon accused some media outlets owned by government’s ministers and pro-Awami League businessmen of distorting the opposition’s statements and speeches. “They’re publishing and airing in their styles distorting our statements and speeches. It’s a matter of deep concern.”
He called upon the media to cooperate with the opposition by objectively publishing and broadcasting their news as the party is in a struggle for restoring democracy and people’s voting right.