BNP rejects new Cabinet


Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Tuesday rejected the newly formed Cabinet of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, which took oath on Monday.
“Not only we, the whole nation has rejected the election results, as the AL snatched the people’s right of choosing their representatives in the Parliament on December 30. The nation did not accept its results. So, it is an absurd matter to make any comment on a Cabinet formed on the basis of such polls results,” said BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir while talking to reporters after a meeting of BNP senior leaders at the Party’s Nayapaltan office. The BNP leader said, “We have completely turned down the new Parliament and the Cabinet, as this Cabinet has no right to rule the country’s 16 crore people which did not elect them.”
Replying to a query, Mirza Fakhrul said, “You should think that the whole nation was deprived by the farce election. They have destroyed the spirit of Liberation War by occupying power depriving the voters.”
He said the ruling party deceived the entire nation and destroyed the Liberation War spirit just in a bid to capture power.
Replying to another query about BNP’s next course of action, Mirza Fakhrul said as a democratic and liberal party, it will carry out movement for establishing a democratic and pro-people government.
“We will carry out agitation with the people to restore democracy in the country. The popular movement to restore rights of all will continue,” he said.
