BNP pushes for greater political unity


BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said the nation will not forgive the political parties if they fail to forge a national unity to restore democracy and people’s voting rights. “No one is now safe in the country the way democracy and people’s rights have been snatched. Under the circumstance, if we (political parties) can’t get united, the nation won’t forgive us,” he said. Speaking at an iftar party, the BNP leader further said, “I would like to call upon all political parties and their leaders to create a national unity to protect democracy and people’s rights.” Nagorik Oikya arranged the iftar party in honour of politicians at a city hotel. Fakhrul said the government imprisoned their chairperson Khaleda as it is afraid of her. He said the government is making a wrong plan to hold the next election keeping Khaleda out of the race. The next election will not be meaningful and acceptable if it is not held under a non-party government with the deployment of army. President of Bikalpa Dhara Prof AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury making people united and waking them up is the only way to get rid of the current situation. In an oblique reference to Khaleda Zia’s stay in jail despite obtaining bail from the Supreme Court, he said now the highest court’s orders are being ignored. He said hundreds of people are still there in jail in political cases. “How long it will continue. We can’t tolerate it. People have started waking up and we’ll remain with them.” B Chowdhury said the party which will come to power in the future must stay away from corruption as people hate it. “We’ve tolerated corruption so much, but we won’t tolerate it anymore.” Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) President ASM Abdur Rob urged the people of all walks of life to get united against the government’s misrule and corruption. Nagorik Oikya convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna said the country has now turned into a dead valley as the government is trying to frighten people with its repressive acts and in the name of drives like anti-narcotics one. “Under the circumstance, we should get united forgetting the conflicts and misunderstandings among us to protect the country,” he added.
Awami League general secretary Obaidul was also invited to the iftar, but he did not join it.
