BNP plans to start strong agitation against ‘misrules’


Reza Mahmud :
The BNP is preparing to give the ongoing anti-government agitation a strong shape uniting people based on the high price of essential commodities which they think, made the countrymen seriously anger.
The party is rock determined to realise its demand of establishing election time government, because it strongly believe that no polls can be free and fair under Awami League government.
“Skyrocketed price hiking of everything including rice and other food items and essentials like fuel, transportation costs, medical and education costs make the people totally helpless. They find no way without agitation,” said one of the BNP senior leaders adding that goodbye to the AL from power is the way to find breeze.
The party leaders said that not only price hiking, the widespread misrule of the Awami League government has made the people fade up widely.
They said, corruption has been spread widely in every government offices which is making people untold sufferer.
The BNP leaders said that not only government officials, but also ruling Awami League men are now sitting in public offices regularly only for taking bribery using their muscle power.
