BNP plans harsher prog to oust govt: Moudud

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Saturday said, their party will come up with a harsher programme at the right time to oust the current government.
“They (govt) have no future. The time of their fall will come.
Have patience and wait for that day,” he said. “Speaking at a discussion he further said”, Tougher action programmes will be given in due time as we know it is not possible to oust a fascist and autocratic regime with peaceful progammes.” Nagorik Odhikar Andolon arranged the discussion at the Jatiya Press Club protesting the ongoing extrajudicial killings. Moudud, a BNP standing committee member, said the next election must be held under a non-party neutral government as people want it.
“The Constitution is not above people…it can be amended as per people’s will. The constitution will not be an obstacle holding a free, fair election under a non-party administration.” He alleged that the government is arresting BNP leaders and activists in the name of anti-narcotic drive. “The anti-narcotic drive is being carried out to eliminate opposition parties. We would like to say stop these drive right now,” the BNP leader said.
He alleged that law enforcers are taking money from people threatening them to implicate in drug-related cases.
Moudud said their chairperson Khaleda Zia’s is seriously ill as she has been kept in an abandoned, damp jail.