BNP plans for polls preparation, not agitation

Reza Mahmud :
The BNP is optimistic about the government’s will to announce the date of fresh Parliament election soon since the AL is preparing for polls in response to the call of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
The BNP also is taking preparations for the next election. It has also taken some strategies to win the polls.
 “The BNP is always ready to welcome national polls. It is the most popular party in the country. We have massive public support. We want a free, fair and participatory election,” said, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, the Standing Committee Member of the BNP.
Syed Moazzem Hossain Alal, one of the Joint-Secretary Generals of the party said, “The people are waiting to vote for the BNP because they want to get respite from the autocratic government and its misrule. It is the people’s demand to form a neutral election time government and the neutral Election Commission (EC) to hold a free, fair and transparent polls.”
Party insiders said, the high command has now chalked out many plans to make the election inclusive thinking that the BNP will win majority seats in the election to form a people’s government.
In this circumstances, the party gives its first priority to the neutral election, and to form non-partisan EC. In addition, the party now puts emphasis on election time neutral government. It is not demanding restoration of care taker government system in the Constitution, but a non-partisan government to hold fair election. As such, the party high command plans to avoid street movements like strike and blockade to maintain peaceful atmosphere.
They are trying to involve civil society and the development partner countries to create pressures on the government to arrange fair election.
The thinktanks of the party think that the people are waiting to vote them. The party should not take to street again as a bad reputation was created during its past movement in which petrol bombs were thrown into public buses causing number of casualties.
Besides, numbers of leaders and activists of the party were jailed and they faced cases across the country for those incidents.
The think-tanks and senior leaders have advised the party chief not to take to the street again as the election is very near.
According to the party leaders, the BNP chief may attend some rallies across the country under the name of ‘road march’. It may start from Chittagong in the second week of the next month.
“The government is ready for an election, Speeches of Prime Minister and the ruling Awami League leaders indicated it. Now we need not demand it. But our demand is to form neutral EC and a non-political election time government,” said one of senior leaders preferring not to be named.
He also said, “if we take to the street again, the government must file huge fabricated cases against our leaders and activists to imprison them. Consequently we will face hurdles in the field of upcoming election and picking up eligible candidates and election campaigners.”
Another leader said, the party high command is giving priority to reconstructions of the party from its grassroots level. They think it will make the party stronger to win the polls.
Begum Khaleda Zia conferred responsibilities on the party Vice-Chairman Mohammad Shahjahan to reorganise district committees. The central leaders also are working together under the direction of the party chief.
The central leaders of the party are now busy with holding district councils country-wide. The leaders are optimistic about success to reorganise around 40 district committees within this month.