BNP out to come to power using Mossad: Shahriar

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The state minister for foreign affairs has said that the government has evidence that the opposition BNP is trying to come to power by using the Israeli intelligence force Mossad, which he termed a “big crime”.
Md Shahriar Alam also said if the government put together all the evidence, it would be “good enough to ban the BNP”. The state minister made the claim on Tuesday, a day after reported that Pakistan had been lobbying in favour of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s politics at the Commonwealth
Alam said, Bangladesh was not present at that Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group’s (CMAG) meeting, “but we found the authenticity (of the news) from the other participating countries”. “It proves that the BNP is now depending on foreigners, having lost support in Bangladesh”.