BNP observes Zia’s death anniv

Chitagong Bureau :
BNP Chittagong chapter celebrates the 34th death anniversary of the founder of the party Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman in a befitting manner. City BNP arranged a discussion meeting on the occasion at Nasimon Bhaban square in front of city office yesterday.
The leaders and activists of the BNP and its front organizations pay homage to the founder of the party at his first grave in Rangunia in Chittagong.City BNP President Amir Khasru Mahmud chowdhury graced the discussion meeting as Chief Guest.
In his brief address in the discussion meeting, Amir Khasru said Shaheed Zia worked relentlessly to reform the country with cooperation of all people irrespective caste and creed when the country was passing with critical condition during post liberation period. He further said shaheed President Zia introduced the multiparty system in the country aimed at reinstating the real democracy from the one party Baksal rule. Vice president of city BNP presided over the meeting.
Among others, former whip Wahidul Alam, BNP central committee member A M Nazimuddin, central member Mahbubur Rahman shamim, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mahmud, journalist Md. Shahnewaz, journalist Jahidul karim kochi, Engr. Sufian and other leaders of the front organizations spoke on the occasion.