BNP now wants to hold rally at Nayapaltan

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Friday urged the government to allow it to hold its planned rally at least in front of its Nayapaltan central office on Saturday as a venue alternative to Suhrawardy Udyan.
“We’ve sought Suhrawardy Udyan venue for our rally. We’re still saying, we’ll be able to make a successful programme at Suhrawardy Udyan tomorrow (Saturday), if you give us permission by this evening,” said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
He further said, “We’re also saying if you give us permission to hold the
rally in front of our party office (Nayapaltan), we’ll be able to make it a success as well. We’re providing two proposals.”
Fakhrul came up with the remarks while speaking at a preparatory meeting of Dhaka city unit BNP at its office at Bhasani Bhaban. The meeting was held to take necessary preparation to make Saturday’s rally a success.
The BNP leader urged the government to give them permission to hold their Saturday’s rally for the sake of democracy. “Don’t squeeze democracy and don’t shut the doors and windows of democracy in such way as it won’t yield any good outcome.”
He said the government does not want to allow BNP to hold any rally and take out procession as it fears people and does not believe in democracy.
Mentioning that people are the last resort of their party, Fakhrul said BNP leaders and activists must turn around with their heads high in the interest of the country and its people.
BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas urged his party colleagues to get ready for holding the rally though it is uncertain whether the government finally permits them or not. “Get ready, so that we can show the government that we can arrange a big rally within an hour notice.”
The party had earlier sought permission from the authorities concerned for holding a rally at Suhrawardy Udyan to mark January 5 as ‘democracy killing day’ to register its protest against the 10th parliamentary polls held on that day in 2014.
But, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police authorities are yet to give permission for the rally.
Earlier at a press briefing, BNP senior joint secretary general compared the government’s delay in giving their party permission for the rally with one-eyed monstrous policy of the Arabic novel.
He questioned why BNP is not given permission for holding the rally at Suhrawardy Udyan when Awami League and Jatiya Party are allowed to do that there.
The BNP leader said they have completed their all necessary preparations to make their rally a success.