BNP MP Rumeen seeks land from govt that she calls ‘illegal’

UNB, Dhaka :
Barrister Rumeen Farhana, a BNP MP from reserved seat, has sought an allocation for a 10-katha land from Housing and Public Works Ministry though she had long been branding the current government and parliament as illegal.
Rumeen, BNP assistant international affairs secretary and daughter of Language Movement hero Oli Ahad, applied for the
plot on August 3, less than two months after she was sworn in. On June 9, she took oath as a member of the 11th Parliament from one of the seats reserved for women. Joining the House on the first day, she described the government and parliament as illegal.
According to the application which has gone viral on Facebook, she informed the Housing Minister that she needs a 10-katha plot in Purbachal residential area in Dhaka. Seeking the minister’s kind attention to her case, the BNP MP also said she has neither a piece of land, flat in Dhaka nor any other business and profession rather than advocacy. Rumeen also mentioned that she would be grateful forever to the minister if the 10-katha plot is allotted for her. Contacted, Public Works and Housing Minister SM Rezaul Karim confirmed that he received an application from Rumeen seeking a land allotment.
He said, they will take necessary steps in this regard as per rules. The minister also said as an MP can apply for a plot. As the application has gone viral on Facebook, it sparked mass criticisms by social media users, questioning her integrity as she sought the land from the government that she has long been calling as an illegal and immoral one.
Contacted, Rumeen said she sought the plot from the state, not from the government.
As she holds a post of the state, the BNP MP said, she is entitled to avail herself of some facilities. “This government is illegal, but I sought the land from the state. I didn’t do anything illegal by seeking the state facility.”
Rumeen also said over 300 MPs applied for plots. “But, how did my application get leaked from the ministry?”
She thinks the government did it intentionally to hush up the unethical acts by former Finance Minister AMA Muhith as he imported a vehicle using duty-free facility though he has not been in any post of the state.