BNP-led 20-party urges people to intensify movement


Staff Reporter :
The BNP-led 20-party alliance on Wednesday urged the countrymen to intensify the ongoing movement to resist the government’s bid to destroy the democracy and opposition parties.
BNP Joint-Secretary General Barkatullah Bulu, on behalf of the 20-party alliance, in a statement said that the current regime buried the democracy on January 5 last year. Now it is sending the democratic institutions and the people belonging to the opposition and having opposing views to that grave.
He further said, “We call upon all, including democracy-loving people, organisations, parties and
20-party leaders and activists to further intensify the ongoing movement with the spirit of the Liberation War to force the killer government to pull back its black hands.”
The BNP leader alleged that the government is arresting pro-BNP elected mayors of different city corporations and municipalities filing false and fabricated cases against them to place their unelected party men to those local government bodies. “It has now become clear to people like the day light that the government doesn’t not believe in democracy and care the people’s mandate,” he said.
He warned that the government would not be able to control the ongoing movement by killing and harassing the opposition leaders and activists and making them disappeared.
