Rally permission: BNP leaders fail to meet DMP officials

UNB, Dhaka :
A BNP delegation on Thursday failed to meet any high official of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), including its commissioner, to have the permission they are seeking for the party’s planned rally at Suhrawardy Udyan on November 13.
The delegation, led by BNP chairperson’s adviser Abdus Salam, went to the DMP office to meet its commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia in the
 afternoon and waited at its reception for a while.
Having failed to meet any official, the delegation left the DMP office urging the on-duty police members to convey the commissioner about their arrival.
Contacted, Salam said they went to the DMP office to talk to its commissioner about the permission for their November-13 rally at Suhrawardy Udyan. “They told us that the commissioner was out of the office. As we wanted to talk to any other high official, they conveyed us all the officials are in a meeting, and no official will discuss the issue in absence of the commissioner.”