BNP leader sued in Sylhet


Sylhet Correspondent :

Speedy Tribunal Court in Sylhet issued warrant of arrest against Khaled Ahmed, General Secretary of Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP) , Mogolgaon Union Unit recently.
Sources said, a case ( case No- 22) was filed in Kotwali Model thana on 18-12-2010 and GR case no 1027/ 2010 against Khaled. He is a son of one late Haji Jafur Ali of village Hausha in Sylhet Sadar Upazila .
Case story said, during the march past against Tipai Mukh on 18-12-2010 , BNP and its front organizations organised a human chain and police made obstacle to the human chain. Following the incident, a case was filed accusing 39 people including Khaled Ahmed.
