BNP-Jamaat-backed lawyers sweep Supreme Court Bar Association elections

Khandaker Mahbub Hossain and Mahbubuddin Khokon
Khandaker Mahbub Hossain and Mahbubuddin Khokon

Pro-government lawyers have once again suffered defeat in the election to the Supreme Court Bar Association. The lawyers’ panel, backed by the BNP-Jamaat-e-Islami coalition, has bagged nine out of the 14 posts, including those of the president and the general secretary. Candidates of the panel backed by the ruling Awami League won the rest five, including the posts of a vice-president and an assistant secretary. After two days of voting since Sunday, the poll sub-committee chief Md Harun Ur Rashid announced the results early morning on Tuesday. BNP chairperson’s advisor Khandaker Mahbub Hossain has been elected the president, bagging 1,806 votes. Former MP and BNP Joint Secretary General Mahbubuddin Khokon has been elected as the general secretary. He got 1,937 votes. The BNP-backed lawyers had won 13 of the 14 posts in the last two elections. So they have not done as well as before this time. Source :
