BNP hails political dev, but still sceptical

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leaders welcomed the sudden ‘positive developments’ in the country’s politics as the government did not stop their party from reopening its central office, while its chairperson Khaleda Zia comfortably appeared in court and subsequently returned to her Gulshan residence on Sunday after 92 days.
They, however, do not think the current developments as enough to resolve the ongoing political crisis as the BNP leaders are sceptical about the government’s good will about ‘restoring democracy and giving the opposition its ‘due space’.
They also criticised the ruling party senior leaders for making negative comments about Khaleda Zia’s appearance before court and return to her residence after securing bails in two graft cases.
“The government didn’t obstruct our party men to reopen our office yesterday (Saturday). Our leader (Khaleda) has appeared before the court on Sunday showing respect for law, and the court granted her bail as a good gesture and she returned to her Gulshan residence after nearly three months. This is a positive development in politics…we appreciate it,” said BNP standing committee member Lt Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman.
Asked why such a positive development happened overnight, he said, “The government probably is trying to show a good gesture and we welcome the government’s such positive attitude. It should have the continuation.”
Replying to another question whether there is any understanding between the government and BNP for creating a congenial atmosphere in the country before the city polls, Mahbub replied in the negative saying he does not think BNP reaches any covert understanding with the government.
“We believe in open discussions, not secret understanding. We’ve long been urging the government to resolve the ongoing political crisis through talks, but the government has so far not taken any initiative for that. We still want the government to come forward with a positive attitude to overcome the crisis,” he added.
Another BNP standing committee member Brigadier Gen (retd) Hannan Shah said though the government’s attitude over the two days are apparently positive, he said they need to take more time to actually understand the government’s intention.
“It’s too early to comment on the current political developments. We’re still not sure the government’s cold attitude is whether it’s good intention or any conspiracy. If the government really tries to restore peace and democracy in the country, we welcome it.”
Asked whether there is any correlation between the city polls and the current development, Hannan Shah said he thinks the election has no relation with it. “These are very little developments. What happened over the two days it should have happened normally in any a democratic process.”
BNP vice chairman Abdullah Al Noman said the government is showing a positive gesture conceding to the growing pressure of public opinions from both at home and abroad as it has got its image dented badly by locking BNP office and confining Khaleda Zia to her Gulshan office.
“If the government tries to create a good environment that’s fine, we’ ll also help them do so. A political solution to the current political crisis is urgently needed through talks. We want the government to behave democratically shunning its autocratic attitude,” he added.
Noman thinks Khaleda’s return to her residence from her office a logical conclusion. “She had been there at her office for nearly three months and didn’t leave it for a single time during the period. As she came out of it to go to court, she returned to her residence.
I think this a logical conclusion.”