Khaleda's 'asset abroad': BNP dismisses PM’s allegation

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday claimed that the allegation that their party chief Khaleda Zia and her family members have illegal assets abroad is baseless.
“We’ve received information from across the world and found the allegation baseless. Even the property they (govt) are talking about has no existence,” he said.
Fakhrul came up with the comments while distributing blankets among the poor and destitute on the High Court Mazar premises. Dhaka south city unit BNP arranged the warm clothes distribution programme, marking party senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman’s 53rd birthday.
He alleged that the ruling party is spreading falsehood and propaganda involving Khaleda and her family members only to confuse people.
About Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader’s comment that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina did not make a shot in the dark without knowing the information about Khaleda’s
assets abroad, Fakhrul said the government should prove the allegation if it can.
On Thursday Sheikh Hasina voiced discontent as the mainstream media did not ran any report on Khaleda Zia’s ‘assets in Saudi Arabia’.
According to some media reports based on the information by Global Intelligence Network’ and ‘Canadian TV channel The National, anti-corruption investigation in Saudi Arabia revealed that Khaleda and her family members have assets in that country.
Turning to Rangpur city polls, Fakhrul alleged that Awami League mayoral candidate and its leaders are repeatedly violating the election code of conduct.
“We’ve joined the Rangpur City Corporation Election as we’re a pro-election party, but the ruling party is violating election rules. We’ve already talked to the Election Commission about it,” he said.
The BNP leader said their party hopes that the Commission will take proper steps to hold a fair and credible election in the Rangpur City Corporation slated for December 21.