BNP demands resignation of Shipping Minister


Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Wednesday demanded immediate resignation of Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan alleging that he was instigating chaos in transport sector.
 “When people of entire Bangladesh are sad amid lamenting, the Shipping Minister was laughing. It seemed that he was ridiculing the death of the two children by the bus,” said BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir in a statement.
He demanded it amid the movement of students protesting the tragic death of two students of Shahid Ramizuddin Cantonment School and College under the wheels of a bus at Kurmitola on the Airport Road in Dhaka on Sunday.
Mirza Fakhrul said in the statement that the Shipping Minister being an important man in the transport sector always backs up the unskilled drivers and unfit vehicles. It causes tragic road accidents and anarchies.
The agitated students placed nine-point demands including resignation of Shipping Minister Shajahan.
Mirza Fakhrul asked the government to immediately resolve the evolving crisis through discussion with the agitated students, and to punish the responsible bus driver for killing the students.
The BNP leader condoled the death of two students and sent message of sympathy to the grieved families.
