BNP demands resignation of Foreign, Food Ministers

Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Nationalist Party on Monday demanded resignation of Foreign Minister AH Mahmud Ali and Food Minister Quamrul Islam over allegations of failure by their respective ministries.
BNP’s international affairs secretary Dr Asaduzzaman Ripon made the demand at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office in the city.
He mentioned the failure of the foreign minister in bringing back the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) member from Myanmar even after five days of his abduction. He also mentioned the widespread criticism of the food ministry over the import of rotten wheat.
Calling the abduction of BGB Nayek Abdur Razzak by Myanmar border force a shameful incident for Bangladesh, Ripon said, “We hope that the foreign minister as well as the government will play an effective role to bring back the abducted BGB member, who is still held in Myanmar.”
He said the foreign minister has failed to play proper diplomatic efforts in this regard. “So, we ask him to resign.”
Ripon said the foreign minister is still silent over the issue of Nayek Razzak’s abduction. “Foreign minister can speak about the meeting between Indian Premier Narendra Modi and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia. Why he is not speaking on the issue? Why his
 mouth is still stopped?” he asked. The BNP leader also came down heavily on BGB Director General Major General Aziz Ahmed, saying that the BGB chief can speak in political language to thwart opposition’s democratic movement, but he has not come forward about the daring of Myanmar till now.
 “Aziz Ahmed has to speak on the issue as the chief of the border force,” he added.
Voicing deep concern over the fate of Nayek Razzak, Ripon said it is still uncertain about release of the BGB member. He urged the government to take immediate step to bring back the abducted BGB Nayek Razzak.
The BNP’s spokesman said that they want resignation of Quamrul Islam, as he is involved in the wheat scandal. “Why rotten wheat was imported even after availability of wheat in the stock. The rotten wheat was imported for the sake of ministers and MPs, looting the funds of the state,” he alleged.
He demanded formation of a probe body in this regard to bring the culprits under the trial. “If Food Minister remains in post during the investigation, the inquiry won’t be neutral. So, Quamrul has to resign in the interest of fair probe,” he said.