Petrol-bomb attacks: BNP demands probe under UN supervision


Staff Reporter :The BNP on Saturday demanded international probe under the supervision of the United Nations to look into arson and petrol-bomb attacks during the three-month anti-government movement.The party’s spokesman and its International Affairs Secretary Dr Asaduzzaman Ripon made the demand at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office in the city. The BNP reiterated the demand after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has told the parliament that a special tribunal would be constituted to try BNP chief Khaleda Zia as the ‘mastermind’ of the arson attacks that claimed lives of over 100 people. The Prime Minister on Wednesday told the Parliament that special tribunal would be formed to try Khaleda Zia for instigating the attacks that led to the death of many people. Meanwhile, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Saturday said that the special tribunal would be formed to try Khaleda Zia after the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr. However, Khaleda Zia at a function last week blamed the police and the government for the arson and petrol bomb attacks.Dr Ripon said, “The government has been blaming the BNP for the arson and petrol bomb attacks, while the BNP has been blaming the government for the same. So, it is essential to probe the incidents under the supervision of the United Nations. We are raising the demand afresh following the announcement by the PM.”He said a fair investigation could never be expected from the government agencies, which he described as partisan. If the investigation could be held under the supervision of the UN, the real culprits who were involved in the subversive activities would be identified, he claimed. Supporting Khaleda Zia’s accusation, Dr Ripon said that the BNP chief had good reasons to blame the police for the fire bombings. He blamed the pro-government supporters and the police for the fire bombings and alleged that it was meant to tarnish the image of BNP leaders and implicate them in cases.Apart from the demand of internal probe, the BNP wants a clear clarification of the removal of Syed Ashraful Islam from the LGRD Ministry. “Although the removal of Syed Ashraful Islam is their internal matter, we want a clear clarification on the issue,” said Dr Ripon. 
