BNP demands Khaleda’s immediate release

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Sunday expressed deep concern over of the security of its Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia in Old Dhaka central jail as it is close to Chawkbazar where a inferno took place.
The party has also demanded its chairperson’s immediate release. “Our Chairperson Begum Khakeda Zia, who is the most popular political leader in the country, has been kept in an abandoned jail which is near the chemical depots. The jail is only 200 meters away from the Wahed Mansion where the devastating inferno took place,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan office.
He said also that the government had kept her in an awfully dangerous situation in jail intentionally. We demand her immediate release from there.
Replying to a query about a media report that Khaleda Zia may be shifted to Keraniganj Central Jail, Rizvi said, ‘we want the government to free her immediately’.
The BNP leader said that their chairperson passed a sleepless night with a big worry on Wednesday amid the sounds of big explosions at Wahed Mansion following the deadly fire.
A fire that broke out in a four-storey Haji Wahed Mansion at Chakbazar’s Churihatta on Wednesday night, killing 67 people and injuring many others.
Rizvi questioned Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s intention of keeping Khaleda in a suffocating situation and vulnerable place. ‘Why are you playing a game with her life? How would you feel if you were imprisoned in such a situation surrounded by explosives?”