Foul play of syndicate over rawhide: BNP demands govt’s immediate resignation

UNB, Thakurgaon :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday urged the government to quit immediately considering the country’s current situation.
Talking to reporters at his local residence before starting his journey for the capital, he also said the leather industry suffered a setback during this Eid-ul-Azha due to the foul play of a syndicate and for lack of a good leather policy.
“This government is harming the country as it’s

not elected by people. The state, the social system and the economy have collapsed. Irregularities in the banking sector now have become all pervasive,” Fakhrul said.
He alleged that influential ruling party leaders and their advisers are not repaying the loans of different banks. “Some people having political link are destroying the banking sector and the economy. That’s why we’ve repeatedly been saying this government has no connection with people.”
The BNP leader alleged that the government is deceiving people by inflating the GDP growth and people’s per capita income. “They’re talking about huge development resorting to tricks to fool people. Many economists have already proved that the government’s assertion over the development is not right.”
Under the current circumstances of the country, he said, the government should step down immediately and hold a fresh election under a neutral administration.
About the throwaway prices of rawhides, he said many people buried the rawhides of their sacrificial animals being deprived of reasonable prices. “The rawhides of the sacrificial animals are usually supplied to the leather industry, but the leather traders got affected badly this time due to the negative role of a syndicate.”
He said, a crisis has been created in the lather industry for lack of a government policy and necessary steps to ensure discipline in it.
The BNP leader also said, the government is not at all concerned about people’s interests since it has no relation with them.
He said, it is now imperative to free BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia from jail to save the country and its people from ‘misrule’.
About the ruling party leader Mahbubul Alam Hanif’s remark about seeking presidential clemency by Khaleda, Fakhrul said their chairperson did not commit any such crime for which she needs to seek clemency.
