BNP city unit body unlikely by deadline: Abbas

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP’s Dhaka city unit convener Mirza Abbas on Monday said they will not be able to form a full-fledged committee of the unit within the two-month deadline set by the party high command due to obstructions created by the government.
“Our 15 teams are working constantly to form the committees of different thanas and wards in the city. We’re facing obstructions in holding our organisational meetings at many places. Despite various barriers, we’ve made some progress to this end,” he said.
Talking to reporters after a meeting of the unit, Abbas also said, “It won’t be
possible to complete the committee formation task within the timeline set by the party high command.”
The one-and-a-half-hour meeting of the unit was held at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office in the afternoon, elaborately discussing various problems relating to the formation of committees of different units of the city BNP and worked out the party’s next course of action.
On July 18, the much-hyped Dhaka city unit fresh convening committee of BNP, headed by party standing committee member Mirza Abbas, was announced.
The new committee has been given the responsibility for making the committees of all ward and thana units of BNP in the city within a month through holding councils.
It has also been asked to form a full-pledged committee of the BNP Dhaka city unit through holding a council by one month after constituting the ward and thana unit committees.
The Dhaka City unit BNP consists of 49 thanas, 100 wards and 18 unions.
Replying to a question, Abbas said they could not perform their committee reconstitution work properly due to Eid-ul-Fitr and party’s various action programmes in the city in addition to the government’s obstructions.