BNP celebrates Khaleda`s birthday

BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia cutting cake at her Gulshan office marking her 70th birthday on Saturday evening. Senior leaders of the party and its front organisations attended the occasion.
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia cutting cake at her Gulshan office marking her 70th birthday on Saturday evening. Senior leaders of the party and its front organisations attended the occasion.
block :The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) celebrated its Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s birthday at her Gulshan office on Saturday evening.Sources in BNP said, around 9:15pm, Khaleda Zia cut a total of five cakes, which were brought by different leaders of the party to celebrate the occasion.Several hundred leaders and activists of the party thronged the BNP chief`s office to mark her 70th birthday, added the sources.Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office has been decorated with flowers and colourful lights and posters to celebrate the day.From the beginning of this month, senior leaders of the ruling Awami League have been urging Khaleda Zia to refrain from celebrating her birthday as August 15 is the National Mourning Day, which is the death anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.After assuming power in 1991, the BNP chief started celebrating her birthday on this day but she drew flak from different platforms, especially from AL.
