BNP announces fresh 3 days programme

Demanding Khaleda`s release: Staged nationwide demos: 4000 party men detained

Law enforcers chasing the BNP supporters when they staged demonstration on the second day of the programs demanding Khaleda Zia's immediate release. This photo was taken from Fakirapool area on Saturday.
Law enforcers chasing the BNP supporters when they staged demonstration on the second day of the programs demanding Khaleda Zia's immediate release. This photo was taken from Fakirapool area on Saturday.

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Saturday announced a three days’ fresh agitation programme demanding the party Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia’s immediate unconditional release from jail.
The party will form human chain programme at upazila, district and divisional headquarters across the country on Monday. They will also observe sit in programme on Tuesday and token hunger strike from 9:00am to 5:00pm on Wednesday.
BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi announced the programme at a briefing at the party’s Naya Paltan central office in the city.
Earlier, the party staged two days protest and demonstration programme on Friday and Saturday protesting the verdict of a graft case delivered against BNP chief Khaleda Zia on Thursday.
The BNP leaders and activists carried out protest demonstration nationwide on Saturday as per its announced programme.
In the capital, BNP brought out two processions as part of the programme.
BNP Standing Committee Member Mirza Abbas led one of the large protest processions from the North gate of the National Mosque Baitul Mukarram after Zohr prayers.
Several thousand activists of the BNP and its associate bodies took part in the procession around 1:30pm chanting slogans for the release of their party chief.
The procession crossed the way through Azad products building lane in Purana paltan.
When the procession reached near Fakirapool water tank area, the police dispersed it charging baton. Several leaders and activists were detained by the police after dispersing it.
The police also dispersed another procession and chased the party men from its beginning in Bijoynagar water tank area around 1:25pm.
BNP Central Assistant Organising Secretary Abdus Salam Azad, Dhaka South City Unit BNP’s Vice-President Nabiullah Nabi, Juba Dal leader Mir Nawaj Ali Nawaj and Sechchhasebwak Dal leader Aktaruzzaman Bachhchhu led the procession.
Police arrested Nabiullah Nabi, Tawlad Hossain and more six to seven BNP men from the area.
As per the announced programme BNP men staged demos countrywide in divisional headquarters, districts and upazilas.
Ruhul Kabir Rizvi claimed in the briefing that around 4,000 leaders and activists have been detained since Thursday. He said more than 40 leaders and activists were held by police in the capital on Saturday from the two separate processions and elsewhere.
Earlier on Friday, they staged demonstrations across the country protesting Khaleda Zia’s imprisonment and demanding her release.
