BNP announces boycott of UP polls


News Desk :
After contesting in the ongoing municipal polls, the BNP has decided not to nominate candidates in the upcoming union council elections, reports
Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the decision by the party’s National Standing Committee on Sunday, citing “continued biasness of the authorities in elections”.
The BNP boycotted the 2014 parliamentary polls and alleged vote rigging and intimidation in the 2018 general election, but it continued contesting in elections to the local government bodies with its paddy sheaf symbol.
“We had thought that the government and the Election Commission would keep the local government elections free and fair. But what have happened in the elections to Union Parishads, municipalities and Upazila Parishads so far are so frustrating that the BNP has decided not to contest in the union council polls in future,” said Fakhrul.
He said the party’s National Standing Committee was yet to decide whether to boycott all the elections in future.
The BNP leader also said the party contested in the local government elections because it believes in democracy.
“But the recent elections have proved that this Election Commission is ineligible to organise free and fair polls at any level. Its only job is to implement the unelected government’s agenda,” he added.
