BNP afraid of contesting polls: Dr Hasan

Staff Reporter :
The BNP cannot brave any elections anymore, said Information Minister and Awami League’s Publicity and Publication Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud.
 “BNP’s decision not to take part in the 2014 polls was suicidal,” he said on Friday at the AL President’s Dhanmondi office after a meeting of the publicity committee.
 “If they don’t participate in the upcoming upazila council polls, it will be an equally suicidal decision on their part,” he said.
The information minister said that the upazila polls will be held whether the BNP takes part or not.
Dr Mahmud hinted if BNP stays from the election, many of its leaders
will independently contest.
He said that BNP’s defeat on December 30 has made them tired of participating in any other polls.
On Thursday BNP announced that it would not take part in any election under the AL government-be it the Dhaka North mayor by-election or the upazila polls.
They have also decided to boycott the Kishoreganj-1 and Gaibandha-3 Parliamentary seats.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission (EC) has fixed February 28 for the Dhaka North mayor by-election and polls to elect councilors of the 36 new wards of the North and South city corporations.
The Upazila polls on the other hand will start from the first week of March and will be administered in multiple phases.