BNP accuses Govt of resorting to ‘terrorism’

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Wednesday alleged that the government having failed to maintain the law and order has resorted to terrorism, violence and extremism as their means to perpetuate its power.
In a statement, party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also alleged that ruling
party activists concealed the body of Chittagong’s Sitakunda upazila Jubo Dal leader Sahadat Hossain Chotan after stabbing him to death on Tuesday night.
He said, the ruling party armed ‘cadres’ have created an anarchic situation in the entire country by flexing their muscles and indulging in killing, enforced disappearances, abduction, extortion, grabbing, tender manipulation, rape and repression. The BNP leader also alleged that the government has let loose the ruling party cadres to kill opposition leaders and activists as part of its blueprint to depoliticise the country.
The killing of the Jubo Dal leader has exposed the government’s fascist attitude, he said adding, “I’ve no suitable word to denounce the killing of Shahdat and concealing his body.”
“This type of incident raises doubt whether the ruling party men have link to the growing terrorism and extremism in the country,” Fakhrul said. He demanded the government immediately arrest the killers of Shahdat and mete out exemplary punishment to them.