BNP accuses AL of making fun with flood victims

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Tuesday alleged that Awami League is making fun of the flood victims as its leaders are busy changing the Supreme Court verdict on the 16th constitutional amendment instead of taking steps for easing their sufferings.
“The country is in flood furry, but the Awami League leaders are running to Bangabhaban and Ganobhaban instead of standing by the flood victims. Their secretary general Obaidul Quader is mere issuing press releases
(on the flood issue),” said BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi. He came up with the comments at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.
Rizvi said, the though the Disaster Management Minster and Relief Minister said there is no shortage of food, the silos are empty. “Awami League is mocking lakhs of flood victims who are immensely suffering for lack of food and shelter.” He said the current government is least bothered about public sufferings as it is not elected with their votes. The BNP leader called upon his party leaders and activists to stand by the flood victims with relief materials. He said their party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has been on a visit to flood-hit Thakurgaon and Dinajpur districts to distribute relief materials among the victims.
Referring to media reports on Quader’s meetings with the President and the Chief Justice about the 16th amendment verdict, Rizvi said it is not merely a matter of concern. “People are in doubt whether it’s an evil attempt to stigmatise the history of justice.”
He said, appraising the President of the ruling party’s decision and Quader’s meeting with the Chief Justice have given people an impression that the party is exerting pressure for changing the verdict.
The BNP leader said the way Awami League is trying to change the verdict by force is tantamount to a direct interference in the independence of the judiciary. “The country’s people aren’t taking it normally. Such efforts aren’t a good sign for the country.”